How to package and inject silicone products?

The encapsulation injection molding of silicone products is an advanced production process widely used in fields such as electronic products, medical devices, and automotive parts. This process injects silicone material into the formed plastic products during injection molding, forming a two-color or multi-color product. This not only enhances the aesthetics and practicality of the product, but also enhances its durability and sealing.

Prepare the mold: First, prepare the mold for the silicone product to ensure that the design of the mold meets the product requirements.

Pre injection treatment: Before injection molding, the silicone gel needs to be pre treated, such as heating, stirring, etc., to ensure that the performance of the silicone gel reaches its optimal state.

Injection molding: Put silicone into the hopper of the injection molding machine, inject silicone into the mold through heating and pressure, and fill the cavity of the mold.

Glue wrapping: While injecting silicone, another material (such as plastic) is also injected into the mold to wrap it around the outer layer of silicone, forming a glue wrapping structure.

Curing: After filling the mold with silicone and encapsulation materials, it is necessary to wait for a certain amount of time for the silicone to cure and maintain the desired shape.

Demolding: After the silicone gel is cured, remove the product from the mold and perform subsequent treatments such as trimming the edges and cleaning the surface.

The thickness of the adhesive also needs to be controlled. Excessive thickness of the adhesive may lead to incomplete curing of the adhesive and reduce its sealing performance; If the adhesive is too thin, it may not be strong enough, affecting the service life of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to control the thickness of the adhesive pack reasonably based on the requirements of the product and the properties of the silicone gel.

In order to enhance the adhesion and tightness between silicone and mold components, it is usually necessary to apply a layer of primer on the surface of the encapsulated components. The selection and use of primer also need to be determined based on specific circumstances to ensure that it can play a good role.
After curing treatment, silicone encapsulated injection molded products are formed. Curing time and temperature are key factors affecting the performance of adhesive, and they need to be reasonably set according to the characteristics of silicone and product requirements. After solidification is completed, the product can be further processed and assembled.

The encapsulation and injection molding process of silicone products is a complex and delicate process that requires strict control of parameters and quality in each link. By selecting appropriate silicone materials, preparing a good working environment, controlling the thickness and flowability of the encapsulation, and controlling curing time and temperature, measures can be taken to ensure the production of high-quality and high-performance silicone encapsulation injection molded products. These products not only have aesthetics and practicality, but also excellent durability and sealing, which can meet the needs of various fields# Silicone products#